About Miss Whisk
I love my husband. I love my children. I love baking cakes.
By day, I am Annie Ryan, mother of 3 wonderfully dynamic little humans. By night (and nap time), I am Miss Whisk, baker of all things sweet. I love both jobs, and enjoy the challenge of balancing the two, even when it means painting cakes at 1 a.m.
With a background as a consultant in affordable housing, a pregnancy clinic director, a web designer, and a contractor in donor development and grant-writing, one might not suspect baking and cake design to be thrown into the mix. I certainly didn’t. And here I am, baking cakes, bars, cookies, cupcakes, brownies, and cake pops. And loving every minute of it. Life is full of surprises.
Why did I start this business? In short, because people told me to. I love to bake for people. People love to eat what I bake. It’s a satisfying, symbiotic relationship. I, too, love to eat baked goods. So it’s a win-win-win! And really, what type of project could be better than one ending in getting to eat the final product?
Also, I just need to get these cakes and cookies out of my own kitchen because…I am Cookie Monster both by day and by night.
I have–no joke–dreamt of variations of butterceam from around the world. Like when I dreamt of diagramming sentences regularly in high school. Or when I lived in Germany and I finally started to dream in German (sadly, that has been [hopefully only temporarily] lost). I’m a *special* kind of person. And now I speak buttercream.
I hope you enjoy viewing my food, ordering sweets, and reading my blog.
-Miss Whisk, aka Annie Ryan

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