My Secret to Surviving the Business Launch: The Power of One Human
I had more than 6 hours of sleep last night for the first time all week, and I feel like our full charged handheld vacuum after a day of sucking up yogurt-drenched cheerios, doll hair, and what-the-heck-is-this-moist grossness? This business launch has been so exciting and fast-paced beyond my expectations. Thank you to all of you who’ve welcomed my business with such warmth and enthusiasm, and to those of you who’ve placed orders (I can’t believe I’m booked through this week)!
This past weekend featured many scenes of me responding to orders while separating the twins fighting over a cardboard box (nevermind their 6 trillion toys in the background), and updating my website and social media outlets while dishing out the kids’ bowls of yogurt for breakfast. People keep asking me how I’m managing all this. I’ll tell you one of my secrets.
My husband is my rock.
This past week during my business launch of Miss Whisk Bakery, he cleaned more dishes than I could count, manned the challenging mealtimes of feeding 3 under 4, 66% of whom admire the physics of dropping 50% of every food you work to prepare for them on the floor (that is one statistic-packed statement), corralled the kids outside so I could write up a purchase order, and countless other acts of service/love. Every day, I try to remember that love is a choice, a daily decision. Feelings are awesome, the froth on your coffee. But you are really fed and energized by that daily glorious coffee, regardless of froth. I’m not going to claim I should write movie scripts when I conclude, “Paul, you are my coffee.” In fact, I would walk out of the theater if I heard that. Now for those of you who don’t drink coffee, you don’t understand this analogy, and frankly, I don’t understand you.
So that’s one of my secrets to managing motherhood, marriage, and starting a business. I’ll unveil another secret in a following blog post. In the meantime, you can find up-to-date creations and sales by following me on Instagram! And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog (right-hand side of the page) to receive future posts!
-Miss Whisk

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